Friday, February 18, 2011

The Road

The Road

One of my favorite drives ever. I took this photo late in the Fall season but I expected the road to still be open due to the very mild weather we had up to that point. I was wrong, and was faced with a huge pile of snow at the closure gate. Despite a balmy Fall in the valley the mountains were still getting tons of snow.

Driving back home from a disappointing attempt to shoot sunrises, I was greeted with this scene as I came back down the mountain. It was not such a wasted trip after all.

I will be trekking back up this road in a few weeks for a little winter backpacking trip. I need a few new pieces of winter gear first! Winter backpacking is serious business.


  1. Not a couple of weeks...this weekend.

  2. the colors are mysteriouly beautiful :)

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