Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Climbing Photography

20090906-8031_CRS2009, originally uploaded by cultr.sun.

One of my photographic resolutions for 2011 is to become a better sport photographer. This takes a lot of physical work, and a lot more equipment and preparation than landscapes (or wildlife, to a lesser extent). For instance, capturing some of the more harrowing aspects of climbing requires me to be climbing myself.

Not all sports can be captured so closely, however. Due to the nature of some sports the photographer must be far away from the subject, and this requires a very long lens. Right now my max focal length is a lowly 200mm, so you can bet a 400mm f4 is on my list of things to do!

This was shot at 200mm f/5.6 and is a buddy of my doing a little freestyle climbing at one of the most intense crack climbing spots in the world, Vedauwoo. I have a few more climbing oriented photos I'll be posting later.

Any climbers in my followers?

1 comment:

  1. I've been rock climbing and abseiling a few times, but not regularly. Its good fun, but harder than it looks. By the end of a few hours climbing I could hardly lift my arms lol!
