Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Moon and Sandstone

The Moon and Sandstone, originally uploaded by cultr.sun.

An oldie from the Buttes, South of Laramie. This was a fun shoot trapping the moon in this sandstone frame. The Buttes is an expanse of unusual sandstone formations off highway 287. Its a great spot to hike around and take in the stark redness of the landscape here. It's one of my personal favorite places to photograph also.

I would later change lenses to my 200mm and shoot this same moon, which I've since used for various photo manipulations. Light pollution is very minimal in this area as well, making it a good spot for astro-photography.


  1. Well, you were lucky that there was Moon. Looks amazing.

  2. wow amazing photo
    thanks for the link
    i love that glassso much
    i tried to leave comment but maybe it's b/c i don't have an account at flikr, it didn't...
